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Join Us

Together, we can create a brighter future for our students and community. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, student, or community member, your support is crucial in making sure every student in the MVLA district has the opportunity to succeed. Join Vadim Katz in advocating for equitable education, safe schools, and a strong community!

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Ways to Get Involved

Spread the word

Talk to Parents, Friends, and Neighbors

One of the most effective ways you can support our campaign is by spreading the word! Talk to parents at your child’s school, share our message with friends, and engage your neighbors in conversations about the future of our schools. 

Distribut flyers

Help Us Reach More People in the Community

We need your help to get our message out to the community. You can distribute flyers at local community events, farmers markets, or neighborhood gatherings.

Request a Yard Sign

Show Your Support Right in Your Neighborhood

Request a yard sign and display it proudly in your front yard! By doing so, you help increase visibility and spread the message to your neighbors and passersby. 

Host Meet & Greet

Introduce Vadim to Your Friends and Neighbors

Hosting a meet and greet is a great way for your community to meet Vadim and hear his vision for MVLA schools. These small gatherings allow for meaningful conversations and connection.


Every Contribution Helps Us Reach More Voters

Campaigns like ours rely on donations to spread the word and engage the community. Whether it’s funding campaign materials, running advertisements, or organizing events, your support allows us to reach more people. You can donate by clicking the button at the top of the page. Every amount, big or small, is deeply appreciated and helps us build a better future for MVLA students. Thank you for your generosity!

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